[Talk Summary 7] Modeling Human Commucation Dynamics
Professor Louis-Philippe Morency from CMU presented the talk "Modeling Human Communication Dynamics" on October, 21, 2016. at CS department, University of Pittsburgh. He started the talk with an introduction about his research that focuses on creating computational technologies to analyze, recognize and predict human subtle communicative behaviors in social context. Speaking of human communicative behaviors, he indicated three main aspects, namely, verbal, vocal and visual aspects. There are four challenges in modeling human communication dynamics as stated by prof. Morency, which are behavioral, multimodal, interpersonal, and societal dynamics. He suggested that the model can broadly apply to healthcare, education, and online multimedia. In the three main parts of the talk, he performed his group's recent achievements, mutlimodal machine learning, and predicting listener behaviors. Firstly, he gave a demo about a healthcare decision support system using Multisense...