[Talk Summary 10] Parse Tree Fragmentation of Ungrammatical Sentences
Huma Hashemi, ISP graduate student, University of Pittsburgh had a talk about "Parse Tree Fragmentation of Ungrammatical Sentences" on Friday, 2016/11/18. She presented an evaluation of Parser Robustness for ungrammatical sentences. Huma started the talk by giving a introduction about natural language processing (NLP) that brings about a motivation for her proposal. One of the most challenging issues that NPL has to deal with is "noisier" texts such as English-as-a-second language and machine translation. For many NLP applications that requires a parser, the sentences may not be well-formed, for instance, information extraction, question answering and summarization systems. Therefore, to build a good NLP application, a parser should be able to parse ungrammatical sentences. Huma's research focuses on answering the question "how much parser's performance degrades when deal with grammar mistake?" and evaluation of a parser on ungrammatical sent...