Answer Quality Characteristics and Prediction on an Academic Q&A Site: A Case Study on ResearchGate
Lei Li, Daqing He, Wei Jeng,Spencer Goodwin, Chengzhi Zhang (IW3C2-2015) The paper “Answer Quality Characteristics and Prediction on an Academic Q&A Site: A Case Study on ResearchGate” presents a study on ResearchGate, an online social Q&A site. Social Q&A sites are platforms, which allow users (1) interact with others through asking questions and providing answers, and (2) evaluate others’ contributions. Therefore, the quality of user-generated content in such sites are very important; especially, in academic Q&A sites, some questions do not have widely accepted right answers; scholars engage in the discussions to explore knowledge. The answer quality usually is judged in a peer-based fashion; scholars recommend the answer to the question. Through the study, Lie et al. show the relationship between answer characteristics and answer quality based on peer judgments on ResearchGate, and use useful characteristics as fe...